A few weeks ago our very own Kohsuke Kawaguchi gave a presentation at the Silicon Valley CI Summit held in Mountain View.

Within the presentation, Kohsuke included a collection of numbers about the vibrancy of the Jenkins project that certainly hasn’t gotten enough attention. While the slideshow is embedded below, here’s some good high-level points:

  • Over 170 GitHub pull requests in the past four months, with more being sent every day.

  • Formalization of a "Jenkins Stable" branch of development with longer release cycles and back-ported bugfixes.

  • Over 280 tickets in JIRA have been resolved.

  • After posting a "special" release of Hudson which presents users with a choice, 87.25% are choosing to upgrade to Jenkins.

  • Over 500 tickets have been created

  • Roughly 13,000 downloads of jenkins.war and native packages a week

  • New and vibrant community-driven initiatives like Frederic Camblor’s plugin compatibility tester and Charles Lowell’s JRuby plugin support project.

  • We’ve crossed 1500 participants on the jenkinsci-user mailing list, and are over 900 participants on the jenkinsci-dev list.

  • The @jenkinsci twitter account recently crossed the 4,000 follower threshold.

On a personal note, I think this speaks all to the level of unbridled enthusiasm about the future of Jenkins by contributors both new and old.

Without further delay, the slides:

Current state of Jenkins

About the Author
R. Tyler Croy

R. Tyler Croy has been part of the Jenkins project for the past seven years. While avoiding contributing any Java code, Tyler is involved in many of the other aspects of the project which keep it running, such as this website, infrastructure, governance, etc.